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IPFS News Link • r3VOLution Continues

The Secret Revolution in North Dakota

North Dakota citizens may abolish property taxes, allowing them more control over government spending.  Nearly 30,000 signatures were collected to place the people's initiative on the ballot in June, 2012 that would constitutionally abolish all property taxes in North Dakota. 

This landmark measure supports property rights, small government and freedom advocates around the country. 

If the initiative is successful, North Dakota will be the first state to abolish all property taxes, both state and local, and will provide a model for the other states to do the same.  North Dakota may be the first state to kick off the property rights revolution!
Since 1978 the state legislature has amended, altered or "reformed" property tax 134 times.

This tells us that the tax cannot be fixed.

Legislation to abolish property tax was introduced in the 2009 legislative session.  The bill was defeated.  There was even an attempt to turn the bill into a study to investigate the issue and that even failed.

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