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IPFS News Link • Drug War

Hospital refuses liver transplant for medical marijuana patient

• Rawstory
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has denied a liver transplant to a patient with inoperable liver cancer because he uses medical marijuana. But the marijuana was prescribed by the very same hospital, according to the advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA).

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

      Don't even pretend that the medical establishment gives a damn about "life". the hard fact is that the minions of the system know and accept - more than anyone will admit - that we all die. For administrators, who are just a rung below body snatchers, grave robbers, and politicos, all that ever really matters is the bottom line. They should all be in the business of politics, money changing, and insurance scams.

     What a group of pretensious assholes!

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