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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul on State of the Union CNN 10/30/11



3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

It doesn't take a scholar to see how many breaches to the Constitution are accepted as 'business as usual', but those of you PROFITING in one way or another can pooh-pooh and trivialize these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY all you want.

Can you state your real name (for the record)? 

Comment by George Voit
Entered on:

Are you kidding me? A close friend of mine when I lived in the Midwest despised his doctor son-in-law, a veterinarian who married his beautiful blond teenage daughter while they were in Coe College. Later the young couple moved to New York, where his doctor son-in-law like Dr. Ron Paul became a vocal economic activist criticizing the nation’s "bad economic downturn". He blamed it on bad politicians. He urged them to amend the law of supply and demand!

Talking of street Economics, this Video brought up this strange coincidence, and your comment Mr. Kalantiaw highlighted it …you must really … really be kidding me!


Comment by Kalantiaw
Entered on:

Study Medicine to become an instant economic expert.

I am sorry to say this but what Ron Paul is telling you is that you can study Medicine and become an instant economic expert!

His economic "expertise" while studying Medicine says he can re-create America that doesn’t print money, America the biggest economy and the only country in the world WITHOUT a Central Bank. Can you see this America in his mind that has no income tax, no Central Bank, no IRS, no Department of Energy, no international leadership policy [a recluse nation in world affairs] and the only most powerful – the richest and the mightiest, if you may – country in the world WITHOUT a Department of Education, among others [is this real]? If you can’t, you must be blind being led by one who has no mind’s eye wanting to become president and therefore cannot see where in hell you are going!

Bakadude who describes himself as a "Libertarian of Reason", was right in what appears to be his own honest assessment [the only view ever printed in this Libertarian website] as to why "Libertarians in extremis" always embarrass him as a Libertarian.

In this Video, you can have an idea what sanity means if you just listen to the answers to those questions asked of Ron Paul that probes sanity, let alone probes into the "knowledge" of his own "Economics" that makes Ph.D. holders regret they specialized on Economics and not on the science of Medicine to learn the kind of Economics that Dr. Ron Paul have.
