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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Report: America no longer in top 10 countries for starting a business

• Terrence Aym
Thinking of starting a business? Don't start it in America, chances are higher that it will fail. As the U.S. continues its economic slide it also continues to break long-standing records along the way. This record-smashing trend is nothing to take pride in, but rather the trend has important signposts along the way signaling a society rushing blindly towards total ruin. The latest signpost along this dismal, winding road has just been flagged by Inc. Magazine. The publication has recently released the annual World Bank's "Doing Business" report, a survey of the best countries for entrepreneurs to launch a start-up business and it paints a gloomy picture of America's short and longer term economic future. The United States does not even make it into the top ten anymore. Instead, it's been displaced by fledgling countries—amazingly including one torn by warfare in the recent past: Rwanda.

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