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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

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Fan made Star Trek film featuring many members of various Star Trek Casts including Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Captain John Harriman (Enterprise B Captain from "Generations"), Tuvok (Voyager) and Charles Evans (TOS Charlie X episode). You will also see cameo roles from Cirroc Lofton (Jake from DS9), Ethan Phillips (Neelix from Voyager) and other actors from the series "Enterprise" and "Voyager." The movie is Directed by Tim Russ (Tuvok from Voyager).

The story begins with the Dedication of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701M, a museum honoring the original Constitution class Enterprise. While en route to the dedication ceremony, the Enterprise receives a distress signal from the planet M-622 where the Guardian of Forever resides. The Enterprise arrives to find Charles Evans waiting for them. Evans wants revenge against Kirk for abandoning him and he uses the Guardian to exact it. Old friends will be pitted against each other in the search for the truth as this excellent movie unfolds. James Cawley (Star trek Phase 2) plays Peter Kirk (James Kirk's nephew). This is the first time so many actors from different Star Trek series have appeared in one movie. Enjoy!!
