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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

The Case for GOP presidential candidate Gary Johnson

• The Libertarian Enterprise
ormer Governor Gary Johnson is still the best candidate for libertarians to support for those that engage in real politics. Although I have long supported Ron Paul, Johnson makes a better libertarian candidate for the GOP presidential candidacy for the following reasons: 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Vote for Gary Johnson!

Save Ron Paul from the biggest nightmare of his life!

Posted by friends of Ron Paul.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Reasons to stick with Ron Paul:

1. Much of the trouble in the U.S. has come about through presidents who have NOT been former House members. "Since 1789 most presidents (90+%) have been either vice-presidents, governors, or military generals. In the past 100 years only two U.S. Senators have been elected (JFK and Obama) and no (ZERO) House members." And look at the mess we are in because of it.

2. Ron Paul tells it like it is, in a way that IS like it is. Do we want orators who talk Libertarian, but who knows what they really are, because they talk so well?

3. Most of the so-called Libertarian issues like, "immigration, same sex marriage, open borders, gambling, and ending the war on all drugs," etc., don't have nearly as much to do with Libertarianism as they do with simply obeying the spirit of the foundational law of the land, the Constitution, and upholding Oath of Office.

4. A House member has extensive experience running business. Look at the great business experience gained from constantly having to fight liberal opponents right in office, and yet doing it successfully. Besides, "Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? (Bible - James 2:6 NIV)."

5. Actually, it is the Minorities - who are the Majority in some areas - who came here because of the spirit of freedom that Ron Paul is promoting. Freedom, not socialism, is in the best interests of everyone.

6. So let's elect Ron Paul, so that we get the wisdom of many years, wisdom that he can use to re-set the Government towards freedom, so that his libertarian predecessor has a firm foundation to stand on.

Anybody who deviates from principles even only a little, just to get into office... well, will he stick to principle once he gets in?
