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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

The Fed Wants To Know What I Think


This tidbit is good for a chuckle this morning.

A new RFP is out for a "tracking system" that The Fed wishes to bid to...... track the opinions expressed about The Fed in various social media.


I'm sure they'll spend millions to discover what I can tell them with two words, and which shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to figure out.  So rather than spend those millions, Mr. Fed, let me give it to you short and sweet:


There, I just saved you (the taxpayer?) millions of dollars.

Any questions?


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Comment by Don Wills
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Ernie, please stop posting references to articles at market-ticker. It is the blog of a profane Ron Paul hater who loves the Federal Reserve. "Think before you click."