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Ron Paul on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

• The Daily Show
Ron Paul believes that spreading his economic and political message is the only way to keep broadening his base of enthusiastic supporters. 
Ron Paul believes regulations against big business and corporate fraud are much more strict in a free market. 
Ron Paul on the Daily Show 9/27 - All Video Links
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Updated: Blaze presents entire interview - Top Billing
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Updated: Politico spins this interview in worst way.
Title "Jon Stewarts advice for Ron Paul."
Presents the interview as though Jon is mocking RP's campaign.

Take a look at it and leave them some comments.

Ok! Updated from Daily Show website for those that missed it:

Full show

Aired Interview Segment: Part 1 Part 2

Unedited, extended interview online: playlist
Individual: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) will make his third appearance as a guest on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" on Monday, September 26 at 11:00 p.m. (ET/PT), his first since announcing his intentions to seek the 2012 Republican nomination for President of the United States of America.

Dr. Paul's last appearance on "The Daily Show" was on September 29, 2009. He also appeared on June 4, 2007.

Despite facing an uphill battle against more media darlings like Rick Perry, Texas Representative Ron Paul appears to be gaining momentum. The campaign is opening offices and launching ad buys, in an attempt to capitalize on rising poll numbers and strong fundraising.

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4 Comments in Response to

Comment by trevor
Entered on:

How can anyone be conclusive? On the surface, the Doc got the "softball" thing from Stewart, the one he reserves for head of state criminals and their theoreticians. Which visible political persona DOESN'T Stewart pick on UNTIL they are sitting in the chair next to him? Stewart is a funny entertainer and everybody wants some of his air time. In exchange we seat the Doc beside somebody who can't pretend to have any personal integrity.

Consequence of playing partisan ball if you ask me. Or didn't anyone notice that we're the R3VOLUTION Brought To You by the GOP, sponsored by FoxNews, Google and MSBSBSBS? We got the airtime this time. End round one.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

JV … I am amazed how you analyzed the negative impact of this nationally televised joke Jon Stewart had pulled on Ron Paul. I thought like the rest of viewers, you will just laugh. But yes … I agree with you that this television "guy" is too sneaky for a joke at the expense of the most suited subject as vulnerable as Ron Paul that he had selected in so far as the "unelectable" Congressman’s "oddity" as a candidate for president is concerned.

I don’t think that Ron Paul’s "sponsors" had noticed it either. They are too damned locked up in plastering Ron Paul’s poster all over the publicity wall erroneously believing that it would make up what the Main Stream Media had ignored or had missed covering.

And to me that rivals the joke that Jon Stewart had pulled on Ron Paul.

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Here is the extended version that includes the parts not shown in air:

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Does this televised presentation border on yellow journalism?

This guy Jon Stewart enjoys subjecting Ron Paul to public ridicule. He put Ron Paul in his show and had a make-over of his public image for laughs. Stewart had fun of the Congressman’s "consistency" image by presenting a couple of caricatures of his appearance making RP look "inconsistent" to the real person that he was or to a different funny-looking split personalities that Ron Paul was projected to be.

I doubt if viewers who adore their pet poodles at home while watching television think that was funny. They even might have thought that what this TV jester did was cruelty to animals!

Stewart nose-led Ron Paul to state his "oddity" in front of millions of television viewers by asking the innocent Congressman a misleading question: For Ron Paul to explain why millions of Americans believe he is "unelectable". Of course Stewart knew what RP would say. Ron Paul had said it many times before, re: Millions of Americans are "ignorant" how freedom works, and how the free market economy works. That includes holders of Ph.D.s in economics like Dr. Ben Bernanke who, Ron Paul really believes, is "ignorant" of how the economy works and how the Federal Reserves works.

That’s how Stewart succeeded in projecting how far removed the Congressman was from reality!

Making that as the butt of a joke in front of national television might tempt the board of censors to look at it as yellow journalism punishable by law.
