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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Noam Chomsky in defense of Ron Paul

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Excerpt of discussion with Ken Hildebrandt on September 20, 2011, in relation to Paul's comments about 9-11, for which he was booed by an unenlightened audience at a Republican presidential debate.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Not
Entered on:

LOL Noam Chomsky was not defending Ron Paul. Noam Chomsky did say Ron Paul was correct on one point but he was in no way "defending" Ron Paul. I doubt Noam Chomsky would endorse Ron Paul in any way. If you dig into Ron Paul's history you will find he is a lying, racists, and a cheat. Ron Paul has a medical degree and does says he does NOT believe in evolution. His base is poor white religious males. These are the people that do not believe in evolution. The fact Ron Paul can say one thing and do another is why he is a successful politician. 

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