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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

Step 1: How do I get started?


Greetings from sunny Zell am See, easily one of the most tranquil places on the planet. Before I launch into this week’s questions, I first want to give kudos to our Asia partner and Chief Investment Strategist Tim Staermose.

As you may know, Tim runs our 4th Pillar investment service, a low-risk proprietary trading system that he developed over years of experience… and he just scored yet another big win for his subscribers.

Tim got his readers into Australia’s QMastor Limited, a small software development company that is now being acquired for a huge premium. 4th Pillar subscribers will now rake in a 41% return in just 90-days, all without any downside volatility.

Congratulations to Tim and his subscribers– another great call for the 4th Pillar.

On to this week’s questions. First, Jennifer asks, “Simon, each day you are writing from some exotic location; what are you doing in these places? I mean, I know you’re working on something, but what exactly are you doing? Why do you travel so much?”

It’s true, I keep a hectic travel schedule. In fact, looking back over the conversations we’ve had just from the last two months, I’ve been through the UK, Spain, Andorra, France, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Greece, Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Lithuania, and now Austria.

Simply put, it’s our business to put boots on the ground around the world–  checking and rechecking what are the best opportunities that each country has to offer, building solid contacts, and taking the pulse of what’s really happening in the world.

To give you an idea, this part of Austria is an excellent, cost effective safe haven location that has ample real estate income opportunities.