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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

How our wars start: US, allies demand Assad exit in Syria

• AP
President Barack Obama, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany and the European Union joined Thursday to demand that Syrian President Bashar Assad resign, saying his brutal suppression of his people had made him unfit to lead.

The coordinated messages from Washington, London, Paris, Berlin and Brussels were accompanied by a U.N. recommendation that Syria be referred to the International Criminal Court for investigation of atrocities and by tough new U.S. sanctions freezing all Syrian government assets in the U.S. and targeting the country's lucrative energy sector.

The moves intensified already mounting pressure on Assad, who has refus

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

    Assad is an autocratic psycho. However, he is basically 'living the dream", by making the essence of all government obvious: he is actually implemementing the violence that is at the heart and foundation of every government policy (cabal) in history. (An exception might have been the "American" Indian culture(s) of the pre 19th Century.)

    Assad is quite obviously out of control and violating human rights al over the place. Since this didn't start yesterday, it all begs the question, Where the hell was all the righteous indignation and phony UN crap the day before?"

    Why, one might query, isn't the whole world upset? (Answer: The whole world isn't that worried about OIL!)

    You should all remember what the Syrians are dealing with; it's coming to a neighborhood near you. If not for violence or its threat, governments couldn't govern. If you don't believe it, conjure up a single current example of people who do what their keepers and those who abuse them demand because they respect and admire the wisdom and good works that are being offered up on their behalf.

     The U.S. should abhore what is going on and stop dealing with the creep - period. If he continues to provide sanctuary to those who would kill U.S. citizens and attack our country, we should turn the place into the international litterbox that Assad has created. NOT A SINGLR U.S. SOLDIER SHOULD EVER SET FOOT ON SYRIAN SOIL!

Comment by Bill Barker
Entered on:

More sanctions.... they really worked well against Iran, Cuba, N. Korea, Libya. I guess nobody studies history any longer. Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over, Who knows, just because it has never worked before, doesn't mean it won't this time!
