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IPFS News Link • Activism

Democide Is Painless - by L. Neil Smith (Publisher Recommended)

• The Libertarian Enterprise

Meet Audrey Tomason.

Reportedly Barack Obama's Director for Counterterrorism, the diminutive 30-something Tomason is said by Wikipedia to be "one of the most secretive women in U.S. intelligence circles", so much so that her master's thesis, written while attending Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, is now classified by the U.S. government as top-secret, as reprehensible a violation of academic principles as possible.

It is known that she has authored a report called "The Apocalypse Equation", suggesting that it would be more "humane" for our world—meaning our species—to undergo a "planned and controlled genocide" rather than to see it descend into the abyss of chaos it is now entering.


7 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

   Can anyone hear a "mouse roaring"?

    Good luck? The whole thing might be possible, if there was any chance that a floating nation could ever be recognized by the majority of the self-annointed amongst the movers and shakers of the most putrid of organization, the United Nations. (The movie was interesting, to a point. However, making war on the U.S. in an effort to gain "status" and "foreign aid" isn't likely to play well.

     My money would be on building another super-cruise ship, registering it with one of the two or three functional foreign countries that might allow a measure of independent living and personal autonomy, and stay at sea.

     The only way a "Floater" would be allowed to work - if at all - would be if it declared some form of alliance with a country that could tax and control it, pay proper tribute through treaty or military support, or somehow come up with something that the rest of the world would kill you for or protect you because of.


Comment by James17
Entered on:

Also, I told this guy not to put one on my house. He then told me that the electric company owned the meter and that if I didn't allow for them to put the new meter on then I would have to go out and buy solar for my home. I wonder just how long I can last before this shit hits the fan. They are making it mandatory and then of course a great necessity for the survival of life as we know it. Are there any of you others out there that will buck the system with me even if it means that you have to go through some great discomfort in your life? Certainly it won't be this employee of the electric company and all those others that do it for those 30 pieces of silver.

Comment by James17
Entered on:

was that new a few things about

Comment by James17
Entered on:

Wow! I just went outside to look at the sky and again as yesterday they have been Chemtrailing us here is S. CA again. The second thing that happened was there was the electric company guy putting those new Smart Meters on houses without the permission of the home owner. I got into a heated exchange with him about it and all he could come up with was that new a few things about these new meters and the disagreements about them being forced on the public, but all he could say was that his wife just had a new baby by C-section and he has to have a job. That goes along with this story about the ideals of this bitch Audrey Tomason and Obama and those behind closed doors that were not elected to public office that determines that life or death of millions of others for their devilish agenda. Nothing would happen if those that went out and did the atrocities didn't pick up those weapons or drop those bombs. Those people along with those idiots in DC and other governments are the problem. Stop the helpers and all of this would come to and end. All of the worlds tyrants didn't lift a finger to point a gun at the millions that were killed under their names, so it could also be that no one should have to die if we could get these enablers to not do the bidding of these devils in public office.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

What makes you think our wars are not The Plan?

Comment by Carl Buschmann
Entered on:

Is this the way to murder people that the United States is not at war with??? 

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Of course she is not on the list of folks to get culled.