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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

The Iowa Straw Poll Mystery


The official number of votes counted in the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll is 16,892. The general breakdown of the total is as follows:

4823 – Michelle Bachmann
4671 – Ron Paul
2293 – Pawlenty
1657 – Santorum
1456 – Cain
718 – Perry
567 – Romney
385 – Gingrich
69 – Huntsman
35 – McCotter

Ok, so let’s add up the votes (4823 + 4671 + 2293 + 1657 + 1456 + 718 + 567 + 385 + 69 +35 = 16,674). But wait a minute, the total votes counted were 16,892 right? So, of the total votes counted in the Iowa Straw Poll amounting to 16,892. The ten candidates listed above garnered 16,674. Well that leaves 218 votes unaccounted for.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Chris Wagner
Entered on:

No problem...  Just cuz you were given a $30 ticket doesn't mean you have to vote.
The real count below.        Remember the 479 in District 21?

4823 – Michelle Bachmann
4671 – Ron Paul
2293 – Pawlenty
1657 – Santorum
1456 – Cain
718 – Perry
567 – Romney
385 – Gingrich
218 -- None of the above
69 – Huntsman
35 – McCotter

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Don’t Waste Your Time

Don’t waste your time counting those votes of straw in your fingers. It does not mean anything at all. You know why Ron Paul does not get the nomination or will never get the GOP endorsement as the party standard bearer for president in this coming 2012 presidential election or for that matter, in any other presidential election!. That would happen only when the crow turns white!

What should be interesting and worth waiting to read is the explanation at the end of this headlined show why Ron Paul does not get or never wins the nomination!

I already knew why. I wrote a letter to the editor. It’s not coming out –yet -- although that was about two days ago! I doubt that it will be coming out at all.

But I will give you a clue why what you are reading as to who is who in these votes of straw, is not what it seems. It is just about the Alternative Media, i.e., etc., competing with the Main Stream Media [New York Times, Washington Post, etc.,] for covering these peripheral polls.

For example, this website [] is all for Ron Paul in high or low waters, right or wrong [see the avalanche of Ron Paul headlines posted] …but to the Main Media, Ron Paul hardly exists!

These strong test votes in Iowa are those of the angry directed against the Government, expressing a clear desire to "reform" or for the very angry, to destroy the so-called "faulty Establishment" or "dysfunctional System." Who do you think among the candidates is mouthing this outrage but Ron Paul? The Main Stream Media has no part in it … it does not want to be responsible for the promotion of a candidate that represents Jared Lee Loughner, the Unabomber or Timothy McVeigh, and their kind, to occupy the Oval Office. That would be treason! The Main Stream Media has not yet sunk to that bottom low!

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