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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Rick Perry Is Bilderberg's Answer To Ron Paul

For the sake of all that is good please look in to the evil that is Rick Perry! This guy is the worst of the worst in a crowded field of scum! Look out America and world this is the true face of EVIL!

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
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    Once again, Gregson has the correct take on "real reality"!

     Rick Perry makes many want to be Democraps...Assuming party affiiliation comes with a complimentary barf bag.

      If we aren't in "last gasp" of our so-called "noble experiment", we can sure see it from here. It took about 139 years (1773-1912) for the end to begin in earnest, but we are witnesses to its culmination, this very day. As I've observed in prior entries, we are in the back side of the new "Common Era" (CE), of the most common of men and women doing the least of everying in the most commonest manner conceivable.

      I don't like to complain unless I have a solution - good or bad. However, I'll have to beg forgiveness on this one: I don't have a single clue to who might be a suitable candidate for any office, anywhare in the U.S. If such people exist, they are so far out of the loop or so well hidden as to have rendered themselves non-existent.

      I suppose it's to be expected at the end of civilization. But, it's not what a lot of us had in mind.

      I hope our kids (I have none, on purpose) live long enough to piss on our graves, and know the reason(s) why!