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IPFS News Link • Activism

'Ron Paul Rider' Michael Maresco 'On the Ground' in Iowa

PLEASE through a coupla bucks his way - helping him HELPS US ALL.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

Reading this article on Ron Paul Forums really made my night!

Michael, you are doing such a good job in Iowa!  I helped with $$$ for the Opera House showing of "For Liberty"!

This is so neat how you folks are also showing the video at movie night at a retirement home in Counsel Bluffs.

Everything you are doing makes me proud! 

Hope to see you soon.




Comment by Mark Atkins
Entered on:

Way to go, Michael. Come and see Dr. Paul on Sept 18 in Freeport, Texas!

Comment by Dave Freeman
Entered on:

Michael Maresco is a man I much admire and an American Patriot of the first caliber!

I had the honor and privilege of escorting him (between Las Vegas and Carson city) across the edge of Death Valley on his bike ride from The Statue of Liberty to Alcatraz Island.  

I'm posting a monthly donation in support of your efforts to restore our republic; I'm confident you will use it wisely.

God bless and keep you safe!

Our guest room is always open to you when you're in town.

Brother Dave