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IPFS News Link • Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

Coffee in a Post-Collapse Society


I have read many articles stating that if you have any addictions to nicotine, caffeine or alcohol that now is the time to change your habits so that your dependency on them in their absence are easier to tolerate. My coffee habit is less a habit-at least that’s what I tell myself-and more of an enjoyment of life. That being said, in moderation coffee actually has an anti-oxidant property- justification is always a sign of a habit I know – not to mention the benefit of assisting in staying alert during a night watch task.

As a previous specialty coffee shop owner-prior to the commercialization of the industry by Starbucks -no I am not bitter- the storage of “freshly” roasted coffee has always been an issue. In fact, there is really only one method for long term storage of coffee since once the bean is roasted the oils and converted sugars begin to deteriorate and go rancid very quickly. Most off the shelf coffees that you buy in vacuum sealed containers or bags are actually made stale so that they can be vacuum sealed. Otherwise the bag would burst from the off gassing of the beans. Vacuum sealed freshness is a marketing term that actually means vacuum sealed staleness. I would always tell my customers you would never buy stale bread, why do you insist on paying a premium for stale coffee?

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by JustinTyme
Entered on:

While this article is mostly about coffee.  The alchol issue is much more serious.  Unless you have a still at your bugout location. ;-)  Which actually wouldn't be a bad idea for medicinal purposes only, of course.

If you or someone you love is more than a casual drinker you should learn more about the impact of sudden alchol withdrawal is it may or may not apply to you.

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