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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Free And Anonymous Banking


I’ve been scouring the internet for the last year and a half looking for a truly free banking system without any success. All of them either play ball with the feds in one way or another, or their entire economic model is flawed and doomed to fail as soon as the liberty community recognizes it for the waste of time that it is.

But I think I may have just found what I’ve been looking for. It is still in its infancy so I cannot vouch for the specific business in question. But if I understand him right then I believe he is marketing a free, decentralized, and anonymous banking system that allows the trading of real assets. This is something to be very excited about, for it is this alone that will end the fed.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The problem only starts with the free banking itself. Free banking isn't much good if there are property transfers (not the money trades, now) in excess of $400 in value. Why?

What if you want to sell your house for $200,000. You find a buyer, and you both go through some alternate form of banking. The deal is done. Value is exchanged.

Suppose the buyer wants to register the deed of the property he just purchased. Yet, no money has changed hands. It wasn't a gift, was it? What about the sales tax? The exchange is flagged. There might be problems when the banking system realizes that an alternate form of banking must have been used.

One answer is to transfer all your property to private trusts, one trust for each piece of property. An entity you control can be the Trustee of each trust. Then, simply change the Controlling Officer of the entity to the name of the Buyer at the time of "sale." A bit of a hassle, but a method to keep from flagging property transfers because the property wasn't transferred to a new owner. Rather the "owner of the owner" was transferred, so to speak.

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