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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

RFID chip: Foundation of the electronic jail

Wanting to register and mark all humans is older than the road to Rome. A road to totalitarian control or just for prosperity and ease? That remains to be seen. But people have always been branded or maimed to make their status or the being-in-service-of (slavery) clear. For many people, the Holocaust is know as one of the most extreme forms of registration. The Jewish prisoner workers were marked with a code on their arms. This code fits a system created by IBM. Although IBM denies any involvement or to have known anything of the purpose for which their registration system was used, the facts show something else. However you put it, the Nazis could have never tracked down, devide and execute the Jews so fast without computer giant IBM. But IBM was not unique in their special collaboration with the Nazis. So you can also include steel Krups, IG Farben, Shell and people like seniors Prescott Bush and Rothschild. Why IBM was not subsequently prosecuted? For example, during the Nuremberg trials. Well just because they were part of the elite that the war had supported and encouraged. The fact is that many companies were pardoned after the war. The fact that they were wrong was concealed. Perhaps one reason that IBM has been slipping thrue the hoops of the law is, the fact that they had invented a simultaneous translation system, in which the Nuremberg trials could be conducted in a language understood by all, yet. The same company (IBM) and other companies are now on the eve of a further Executive system: the chipping of humans. IBM has used the latest techniques in creating a system that not only can track someone’s every move, but it can also predict it, then secretly send that information to company’s for use, for example, by giving you ads based on a given profile. Author Edwin Black, known for the book “IBM and the Holocaust”, presents his findings in the next documentary about IBM and the Holocaust. Ask yourself why you never had this taught in schools? The system IBM has made is actually still used today. Only then smarter, faster and more unnoticed in driving an authoritarian totalitarian state. The coding system that IBM then used, is today among the people known as the barcode. The barcode has already been replaced by the RFID-chip
