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IPFS News Link • Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation

Japanese Nuclear Meltdown Means Detrimental Health Effects Worldwide

Authorities made preparations to distribute potassium iodide pills and warned people in the vicinity to stay inside and cover their mouths if they ventured outdoors. Radiation poisoning is a form of damage to organ and other tissues caused by excessive exposure to ionizing radiation. Radiation exposure can increase the probability of developing several diseases, mainly cancer, tumours, and genetic damage. It is generally associated with acute (a single large) exposure such as that being released from a nuclear meltdown. The amount of radiation exposure is usually expressed in a unit called millirem (mrem). Radiation doses of more than 5000 mrem/year are considered unsafe, regardless of source. In the United States, the average person is exposed to an effective dose equivalent of approximately 360 mrem (whole-body exposure) per year from all sources. A radiation dose calculator can approximate values and general averages for typical annual radiaiton exposure. Nuclear technology expert Brad McCarthy stated that “exposure from a nuclear meltdown could fall between 100,000 to 1,000,000 mrem which could cause severe radiation sickness to the people in Japan with increasing likelihood of fatality.” Is Radioactive Poison Prevention Possible? In a nutshell, not really. There is no current method available to adequately prevent exposure to radiation from being absorbed in the human body. Supplements such as kelp and potassium iodide do have a preventative effect on the thyroid, but they don’t prevent exposure to other body organs and tissues. They cannot prevent radioactive iodine from entering the body.