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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

More and More, Elite Supports Islamic 'Enemy'

It was 32 years ago almost to the day when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned in triumph to Tehran to take over the leadership of that country. Yusuf al-Qaradawi has a tougher job, but he's up to the challenge if his health holds up. Up until now, the Egyptian revolution generally, and the Brotherhood in particular, has lacked a charismatic thinker, someone who could really mobilize the masses. Qaradawi is that man. Long resident in the Gulf, he is returning to his homeland in triumph. Through Internet, radio, his 100 books and his weekly satellite television program, he has been an articulate voice for revolutionary Islamism. He is literally a living legend. – Jerusalem Post

Dominant Social Theme: Islam is breaking out. Who knew?

