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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Trump: Ron Paul Has “Zero Chance” Of Beating Obama

Prospective presidential candidate Donald Trump caused a sensation at the start of yesterday’s CPAC event when he dismissed Ron Paul’s chances of beating Obama in 2012, saying the Texas Congressman had “zero chance” of winning the election.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Day-dreaming to become president of the United States is the ambitious' inner secret. To dream while wide awake is neither Paul's vice, Palin's vanity nor Trump's pleasure alone. Those in white straitjacket aren't afraid to dream, walk or talk in their sleep. You will discover how "wonderful" people they are when they start to open their mouth and say what they want to do once elected president.

Comment by Duane Williams
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Keep that picture of Trump going!! That is his candidacy!! that's all he can say!!! We can easily prove him wrong!!!  If Ron Paul has zero, who has a slightly better chance...sure as H-- not him!!!!

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

He dosn`t know that he just killed any chance he may have had...the man`s an Idiot.