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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul wins 2nd Place New Hampshire GOP straw poll

• The Hill

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney beat out other potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates in a straw poll Saturday of delegates to the annual meeting of the New Hampshire Republican Party.

ABC News and WMUR-TV conducted the first ever straw poll sanctioned by the New Hampshire Republican State Committee and the results may give Romney momentum as the fight to win the first-in-the-nation primary, to be held next January, begins.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

That is alright.  Let him spend all the money he wants.   Who's reputation got himself second place without spending a dime?  It is getting the message out and gathering the remnant.  The rest sadly will eventually pay a higher price.

Comment by David40
Entered on:

 Knowing Romney as I do, I wonder how much money he spent to win the straw poll. When the local GOP did a straw poll here in 2008. Romney sent in a bus loads of shills with shopping bags full of tickets. The poll is supposed to allow only one vote per person but the "officials" looked the other way while Romney's thugs voted over and over again using the tickets he provided. That's the kind of crinimal character you can expect from that asshole.

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Ron Paul, Ralph Nader agree on ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’