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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Why the GOP Fears Sarah Palin

• arclein
admap for America’s Future, addresses the first issue most directly and parts of the second issue indirectly (for example, his proposals to change Obamacare). I think his plan is a good plan. It is good primarily because it exists at all. If it were up to me the plan would b

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Palin’s war is not with the Democrats but with the Republicans. The Rparty is a cache of at least three warring factions – the Hawks, the Conservatives and the Lincolnians. On the warpath the Hawks would end immigration in America and would depopulate the country and the world to guarantee a “quality of life” for the sustainable few after they determine who has the right to live. Their mouthpiece comes from this rank who would first scare the hell out of you by picturing a world that is overpopulated, then recommend and justify vaccine sterilization, infanticide and genocide to reduce an imagined population explosion. Sen. John McCain and Sarah Palin are in the middle – the mavericks hold this extremist Republicanism in contempt. The Democrats have an easy election day in 2012 … they don’t have to campaign. The Republicans would defeat themselves.  The only way for Palin to become president under the Rparty is to evade her opponents thrust by bolting the Conservative rank where she is now, and leap into the Lincolnian fold – the real Rparty that the greatest majority of the American people trust in the wake of Obama’s “criminality” that as president made him so weak he could fall off the edge of the 2012 ballot before the people even start to write down the name of his opponent. Read more about the Republican nightmare that I pointed out here:
Global Depopulation: Republican Nightmare More Frightening Than Obama 2012?
New World Order Politcally crippled when he lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives, leftist Obama is desperate to get re-elected. From now up to next year, he could create chaos and declare Martial Law.  But is the Republican nightmare more horrifyi   Read Letter Letter Written by bakadude
Date of Letter: 2010-12-08

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:


                                 Palin’s war is not with the Democrats but with the Republicans. The Rparty is a cache of at least three warring factions – the Hawks, the Conservatives and the Lincolnians. On the warpath the Hawks would end immigration in America and would depopulate the country and the world to guarantee a “quality of life” for the sustainable few after they determine who has the right to live. Their mouthpiece comes from this rank who would first scare the hell out of you by picturing a world that is overpopulated, then recommend and justify vaccine sterilization, infanticide and genocide to reduce an imagined population explosion. Sen. John McCain and Sarah Palin are in the middle – the mavericks hold this extremist Republicanism in contempt. The Democrats have an easy election day in 2012 … they don’t have to campaign. The Republicans would defeat themselves.  The only way for Palin to become president under the Rparty is to evade her opponents thrust by volt the Conservative rank she is now, and leap into the Lincolnian fold – the real Rparty that the greatest majority of the American people trust in the wake of Obama’s “criminality” that as president made him so weak he could fall off the edge of the 2012 ballot before the people even start to write down the name of his opponent. Read more about the Republican nightmare that I pointed out here:
Global Depopulation: Republican Nightmare More Frightening Than Obama 2012?
New World Order Politcally crippled when he lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives, leftist Obama is desperate to get re-elected. From now up to next year, he could create chaos and declare Martial Law.  But is the Republican nightmare more horrifyi   Read Letter


Letter Written by bakadude
Date of Letter: 2010-12-08


