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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

The Fed has 110 Bln. dollars of new notes, 10% of all US cash, sitting in a warehouse in Texas

• Yahoo News
Supposedly, it is under quarantine because it is flawed;...the new security features are so hard to manufacture, even the mint is goofing it up. But they say it will all be ready to circulate in a year.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by DagnyTaggart
Entered on:

What kind of quality control problems do you have when a billion $ in notes can get printed before some government employee notices they're not right?

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Remember the "bearer bond" $140 billion scandal from a year or so ago?

How much you wanna bet that this $110 billion in notes are "lost" between today and when they are supposed to be destroyed?

Mark my words.  Write them down.

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