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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Dollar at Risk of Becoming 'Toxic Waste'

The dollar's slump could get far worse if the dollar index takes out last year's low, Robin Griffiths, technical strategist at Cazenove Capital, told CNBC Monday. "If the (dollar index) takes out the low that was made roughly a year ago I really think that will not only encourage more sales, it will cause a little bit of minor panic," Griffiths said. "A year ago it was deemed too cheap, if it goes any lower than that it's actually become toxic waste." The dollar [.DXY 76.93 -0.54 (-0.7%) ] resumed its recent downtrend Monday in the wake of a meeting of finance ministers from the Group of 20 nations at the weekend. The meeting failed to yield a definitive agreement on currencies, putting selling pressure on the greenback. "The dollar is being trashed, we've actually had effectively devaluation of about 14 percent in the last two months," Griffiths said.