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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

The Iraq Archive: The Strands of a War

• NY Times

A huge trove of secret field reports from the battlegrounds of Iraq sheds new light on the war, including such fraught subjects as civilian deaths, detainee abuse and the involvement of Iran.

The secret archive is the second such cache obtained by the independent organization WikiLeaks and made available to several news organizations. Like the first release, some 92,000 reports covering six years of the war in Afghanistan, the Iraq documents provide no earthshaking revelations, but they offer insight, texture and context from the people actually fighting the war.


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Comment by Powell Gammill
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WikiLeaks made them available to several newspapers — The Guardian (U.K.), Le Monde (France), and Der Spiegel (Germany) — and networks such as Sweden's STV and Al-Jazeera,

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