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Crocodile on plane kills 19 passengers after stampede

A plane crash in Africa may give new meaning to the term, "snakes on a plane."

A small passenger plane crashed into an empty house after a stampede of passengers tipped the jet into a tailspin in the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing all but one of the travelers aboard.

The almost unbelievable news was reported by the news site

According to the report, a passenger had stashed a crocodile in a sports bag (and had intended to sell the animal). The crocodile allegedly escaped, causing a stampede, which put the aircraft off-balance and caused in to fall into a tailspin. The plane then "smashed into an empty house just a few hundred metres from its destination."

"According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag,” news organisation Jeune Afrique reported, according to the Australian website.