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IPFS News Link • Activism

Let's roll! Attend the Tea Party Friday! (and other events)

I know that liberty activists, anarcho-capitalists, libertarians, constitutionalists and (real) liberals are dismayed by the hijacking of the Tea Party by neo-cons, RINOS, moderates and your typical, unprincipled blah Republican Party.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

Thanks for the positive encouragement.  I have been working up to this same thing for the last couple of weeks. Of course, the end of the oven temperatures outside helps too! 

Let's Roll !!!!!! 

Comment by Gene Kernan
Entered on:

Oh, the irony! (The confirmation code for my initial comment was "trixpu")

Comment by Anonymous
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NOTE that the "host" of this is Sarah Palin's "Tea Party Express", the very hijackers discussed.

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