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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Dissent in the age of Obama - by Cindy Sheehan

• al-Jazeera

Recently, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) raided the homes of at least eight anti-war/social justice activists here in the US.

I happen to be a prominent anti-war activist myself, and have joked that I am a “little hurt” that I was not raided and perhaps I should try harder. Even though, we have the urge to try and be light-hearted in this time of an increasing police state, with civil liberties on the retreat, it really isn't funny considering that the activists could face some serious charges stemming from these raids.


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Comment by Anonymous
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 Ken McCracken: You gotta hand it to her – she just keeps swimming, like the crazy little fish in Finding Nemo. Only that little ditzy fish was a lot more likeable than Madam Sheehan. Can Egypt keep her, by the way?

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