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IPFS News Link • Activism

Freedom’s Phoenix Time Capsule

Last Saturday Ernie Hancock, of Declare Your Independence Radio, took us out to Canyon Lake, along with other activist (Drew, Nick and Eric), to bury a time capsule.   Though none of us knew the extent of the hike, most of us were wearing flip flops, it was well worth it and I’m glad to have been a part of it.  Enjoy the video and remember, if you can find it, it’s yours (just contact us so we know). 
-Liberty On Tour

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ducatijeanne
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This  is so neat!  I watched with the sound off.  Gosh, we all missed a fantastic trip.  But through the magic of video we can see what we missed. 

Anyway....row, row Drew, faster, faster or is it paddle, paddle??

The Freedoms Phoenix Armada in the making?

Brillant idea to bury treasure; a time capsule full of priceless goodies. ARRGGHH!