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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

GOP 'Pledge to America' to call for U.S. spending freeze

• Washington Post
After enduring "party-of-no" insults from President Obama and Democrats for many months, House Republicans are offering a collection of conservative ideas, including freezing government spending and replacing the president's sweeping health-care legislation with a scaled-back version allowing for the purchase of health plans across state lines. 

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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The party that gave us the Contract on America, who after getting onto power over the purse strings proceeded to enact none of its promised agenda---merely put it up for a vote which they rejected.

They then proceeded to loot America at rates that Democrats only could marvel---If only they had known you would tolerte such rates.

Of course their excuse was that 'Clinton is too smart for us.'  The wailed, 'it is your fault for not giving up a Republican president!'  And so, George "Pee Wee" Bush was served up in a shadow of daddy.  And the spending increased.

The Democrats, upon finding themselves back in power noted there was still some blood pumping through this cow, and proceeded to suck it dry.

Now the GOP rises from the crypt to offer promises not of massive spending cuts, not of minor spending cuts, but 'elect us and we will keep spending at current levels.'  And we will deliver Obama's health care a little latter and under budget too.