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IPFS News Link • Events: Arizona

Lecture on Islam

• Phoenix Objectivists

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

Regarding Islam: It is time to check them out.


  I have serious problems with Islam in the USA. Why? Read on & PLEASE!! CHECK THE LINKS!!!             There is a lot of talk about us tolerating Islam. This is what I think.

How about FIRST, as a show of good faith & fairness, Arabic countries allow Christian Churches & Jewish Synagogues be built in their countries. Put the NY Mosque on hold until at least one Christian church AND one Synagogue is built in every capitol or a major city in these countries. You could throw in Buddhist Temples & Catholic & Mormon Churches for a good faith measure. Let us see how tolerant THEY are for a while FIRST!!! It would be of great benefit for the Mosque builders if they & all 'peaceful' Muslims would denounce radical Islamists, terrorism & Shari Law.

Then there is the problem we are having in the US with honor killings by Islamic followers.  

National Geographic or some one had an expose, Fri.. 8-6-'10. Then there was they guy who wanted to behead his wife. How about Shari Law? You don't think that is in the agenda of Muslims? It has to be if it is a true part of their religion & they are allowed to establish Mosques here. Doesn't the concept of honor killings come, along with burkas, women as 2nd class citizens, e...&&I have serious problems with Islam in the USA. Why? Read on & check the links.

There is a lot of talk about us tolerating Islam. This is what I think.

How about FIRST, as a show of good faith & fairness, Arabic countries allow Christian Churches & Jewish Synagogues be built in their countries. Put the NY Mosque on hold until at least one Christian church AND one Synagogue is built in every capitol or a major city in these countries. You could throw in Buddhist Temples & Catholic & Mormon Churches for a good faith measure. Let us see how tolerant THEY are for a while FIRST!!! It would be of great benefit for the Mosque builders if they & all 'peaceful' Muslims would denounce radical Islamists, terrorism & Shari Law.

Then there is the problem we are having in the US with honor killings by Islamic followers.
  • Here is some VITAL IFO about Islam: I DO MEAN VITAL!!!!

    National Geographic or some one had an expose, Fri.. 8-6-'10. Then there was they guy who wanted to behead his wife. How about Shari Law? You don't think that is in the agenda of Muslims? It has to be if it is a true part of their religion & they are allowed to establish Mosques here. Doesn't the concept of honor killings come, along with burkas, women as 2nd class citizens, execution of homosexuals & so on, from Shari Law?\


    Feisal Abdul Rauf would establish sharia law. Slowly of course. Look up Stealth gihad. That is what is going on in the US.

    Any thoughts on SLEEPER CELLS in some or all the Mosques in the USA?

    Then there is the little published concept of stealth jihad in the USA.

    Here is more:

    That should be enough to get you started. Don't fall for the BS & don't expect me to!!!, Islam is a VERY SERIOUS THREAT!!!\





Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

Yo Earnie! Might be a good idea to NOT lump Christians in with Islam. True Christians are NOT bloodthirsty. Try do a bit of research on the NEW Testament. I know you can attempt to bash us with a lot of what took place in the Old T, but that was nailed to His cross & we are free to follow Him now, not Moses. We no longer are allowed to many of the 'bloodthirsty' stuff the way things were done in the OT.   

If some one calling them selves 'Christian', like Bush, O, Carter & so on don't live up to their oath of office you can know they a wolves is sheep's clothes. If one such wants to kill an abortionist, ditto. And so on. Doing the war thing in a non self defense set up, the same. If you knew the Bible you'd know you were very out of line in your judgment of us.








Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Lectures are nice, but nobody can teach a non-Muslim what they need to know about Islam in just an hour or two, it takes a program of study. The best online free Islam history school is the Historyscoper, allowing anybody to master all the key facts at their own pace. To get started click

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

 Add, "What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, Christianity, Judism, and a whole list of other blood thirsty  blah blah blahs, and Why". And I might be able to get you some extra promotion.
