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IPFS News Link • Drug War

Hillary Clinton: Mexican drugs war is Colombia-style insurgency

• Matthew Weaver,
Hilary Clinton has sparked a diplomatic row with Mexico by likening the country's drugs war to a Colombia-style "insurgency", a charge angrily rejected by Mexican politicians. The US secretary of state pointed to the use of car bombs, a tool once favoured by cartel-allied rebels in Colombia, as evidence that Mexican drugs gangs "are now showing more and more indices of insurgency". Her remarks came as the third mayor in a month became the latest victim of violence in Mexico. Her comments were dismissed in Mexico, but raised fears there that Clinton was preparing the ground to implement a Mexican version of Plan Colombia – a controversial anti-drug programme in the late 1990s involving US troops working with the Colombian army against the dominant Medellin drug cartel.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Chip Saunders
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 This article would more properly be titled  "State Dept. Lays Groundwork For Military Intervention In Mexico".

I find it SIGNIFICANT that the Sec. of State (and future President?) is declaring our southern nieghbor as in the throws of a civil war. Historically, the U.S. has a nasty habit of send its military into Mexico when Presidents feel their "stabilizing" force is required. It is also SIGNIFICANT that this declaration comes as Mexico is considering decriminalization of drugs, order to stop a civil war.

All those mexican-American gang members in the Army will finally come in handy as interpreters when we occupy Tijuana and Matamoros.