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IPFS News Link • Activism

Anti-war groups battle for survival

• Politico
As President Barack Obama formally declared an end to combat operations in Iraq this week, the anti-war movement that helped sweep him into office — and that worked for seven years to bring U.S. troops home — finds itself struggling for survival.

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Comment by Anonymous
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     Obama made a fool out of the anti-war peace movement organizations throughout the country. These dolts running the movements are now ashamed of their stupidity for allowing Obama to trick them into believing that he was against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan . Too late for them to realize that Obama was interested only to ride their politics like a duped horse in a race that made him president; he was never interested in their cause for peace that they foolishly believed Obama was obsessed about, even when Obama had encouraged them to spill their blood in the streets to achieve their ghoulish objective or Machiavellian goal.

  Read the above-published article and identify these radical movements that Obama pulled the strings for his political puppetry. Don’t be surprise if what you will discover will drop your jaw to the floor, for in shame, these pea-brain street marchers that Obama had manipulated to support his bid for the presidency are now retreating from the political scene … they are evaporating fast one by one as Obama once again calls for their support of the war in Afghanistan. Of course this latest move sounds so retarded for Obama to fool them the second time around, but these short-minded peace organizations that conduct violent rallies to disturb the peace -- these dim-witted radicals against war that are endlessly engaged in street wars against our duly established society – are actually anti-social donkeys Obama thinks them to be that he can easily lead them his way anytime anyway he wants.

       For example, the Code Pink movement for peace that worked so hard and even took political bullets for Obama, conducts rallies on hospitals demanding not to treat dying or wounded soldiers brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan … even when the wounded soldiers die, these pink creeps follow them to their grave, picketing and blocking the graveyard protesting that none of our dead soldiers should be buried with military honor because in their distorted mind, they fought an “illegal” war in Iraq and Afghanistan! Of course the war in Iraq can never be “illegal” when it was approved by Congress; the war in Afghanistan can never be “illegal” when Obama and Congress continue to fund such war. 

       But as you can clearly see, there is no doubt how donkey-minded they are! It does not surprise me at all when Obama enjoys fooling them around