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IPFS News Link • Activism

Liberty On Tour Detained By Denver Police At Outreach Event


Liberty On Tour was at Invesco Field doing outreach activities while football fans tailgated prior to the Bronoco’s game. For several hours they handed out information, gave bus tours, and spoke to people about liberty. All was well until an Invesco Field parking lot employee called the Denver Police since she felt that she had been ‘mocked’ after she had told LOT to not offer ‘free’ beer to other tailgaters.

Earlier that day, LOT was asked to removed a ‘free beer’ sign from the bus. LOT complied immediately. They were then asked to not say ‘free beer’ but that it was okay to offer beer to people (Beer was being used as an enticement to get literature passed out and get people over to talk about liberty – which is not illegal according to a Denver police officer.) LOT then stopped using the term ‘free’ and continued handing out literature. Shortly thereafter, the Invesco field employee called her supervisor who then called the police.

Within a few moments, Adam Mueller was handcuffed and detained while Pete Eyre was being detained and interviewed. As the video shows both Adam and Pete were handcuffed and taken into custody. Adam adopted a passive and non-resistive posture and while they carried him to the detention area the police bent his wrist backwards and was checked in by a paramedic.After several hours they were released with charges of interferance, disturbing the peace, and disobeying a lawful order. Their video cameras were also confiscated for unknown reasons. Again, Adam, Pete, and those of us assisting them were doing nothing illegal…nothing.

Below is some very poor Iphone video of the incident.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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CopBlock only works if the videos survive.  It is the reason they arrest the guy with the video camera.  It is the reason they demand all video taping cease.  Don't ever think any person who draws a paycheck from the government will ever respect your Rights, ever!  Failure to genuflect fast enough and with sufficient gratitude for being given the privilege of kowtowing to authority is a crime.  Never forget.