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Geek Culture’s Fiercest Female Ass-Kickers, as Picked by You

• Hugh Hart via WIRED
We left a few key names off last month's list of Geek Culture's 26 Most Awesome Female Ass-Kickers -- and boy, did we hear about it. Fans of fierce Matrix and Fifth Element heroines were especially outraged that their fave femmes fatales failed to get their due.

"Wow," wrote commenter erikslev. "Like all the other posters [pointed out], where is Trinity? Where is Fifth Element? Milla? The Bride? Rosario Dawson (Sin City)? Princess Mononoke? Samus Aran? This list is missing so many more deserving characters.... You guys aren't geeks at all."

Readers championed Trinity (pictured above), Leeloo and more than 50 other action chicks from movies, videogames, TV and comics. Favorites ranged from Kill Bill's sword-wielding Beatrix Kiddo (aka The Bride) to Street Fighter II's martial arts ass-kicker Chun-Li and Farscape's Aeryn Sun.

"This list needs a sequel to fix all the omissions," wrote commenter anothermike. Fair enough. Here are the fiercest female bassasses that you picked.




You didn't include Trinity! She could easily have kicked the ass of any female on this list. Well, except Hit-Girl! -- cyclone1164

Where is Trinity from The Matrix? She is suspiciously absent. -- abukowski

Trinity isn't in your top 26? Really? Or did you just forget about her? -- funnelduck

Trinity from The Matrix is like the queen of bad-ass, ass-kicking action characters. -- awerich

I cannot believe Trinity is not even on the list. She should be in the top five! -- grofia

Seven hardly fought anyone, so I'm at a complete loss for why Jeri Ryan got the nod and yet you left Trinity in the dust. Come on now, you listed Garner's roles twice for crying out loud. -- CannedKarma

Trinity? Samus Aran? Motoko Kusanagi? Supergirl? Not even a mention? -- SeasideMessenger

What about Trinity? from Matrix. -- ranch2k

You put Catwoman and forgot Trinity? Tch tch tch but hey, still great viewing! -- zipfox

How the *!#*@$ did Trinity not make the list??? --dswersky

What about Trinity from The Matrix? -- tbouvin

Trinity from The Matrix. End of discussion.-- andrescm

How about Selene in Underworld (Kate Beckinsale). She kicked some vamp butt. -- MsWilson

Really? No Kate Beckinsale/Underworld? -- HP2Mav

Where the fuck is Selene from Underworld movies? Kate Beckinsale is amazing! She has no equal! -- Progressive1
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