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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Joe Arpaio Takes .50 Caliber Machine Gun To Desert, Looking for Illegals

This just in: MCSO's fearless leader Sheriff Joe is heading into the desert today to hunt for illegal aliens in the oven-like temperatures. And he's breaking out the big guns, or at least one of them -- a .50 caliber machine gun, in case they run into any of them-thar narco-terrorists. His latest media advisory, which asks that this info be embargoed till 5 p.m., states that the sheriff's office "will be launching a crime suppression/saturation operation this afternoon in a desolate desert corridor south of Gila Bend." "Desolate desert corridor"? That's straight out of an episode of Scooby-Doo. Or it would be, were Arpaio not rolling out everything but his tank. (Whatever happened to that, BTW?) Maybe it's too hot for the tank. The embargoed release states: "The Sheriff has also ordered the deployment of his .50 caliber machine gun as a precautionary measure based on recent reports of heavily armed human and drug traffickers."

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Comment by oswegoscott
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To the boneheads who think a .50 is inappropriate---

By Nick Miroff and William Booth Saturday, July 17, 2010

MEXICO CITY -- Grenades made in the United States and sent to Central America during the Cold War have resurfaced as terrifying new weapons in almost weekly attacks by Mexican drug cartels.

Sent a generation ago to battle communist revolutionaries in the jungles of Central America, U.S. grenades are being diverted from dusty old armories and sold to criminal mafias, who are using them to destabilize the Mexican government and terrorize civilians, according to U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials.