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It is time to Assemble and repopulate the Republic(s)

• Jim Palmisano
All counties, states, and federal are operating under a fraud, defacto, corporate government. This country was taken over by conquest during the civil war. For a good briefing of this information go to and watch the powerpoint presentation called "Foundations of Freedom". Then go to the Judges Conferences on the same site to find out what your rights are, where they come from, and how we are lawfully able to exert those rights. After the Civil War all the state constitutions were changed. Here on Missouri I think we're on our 4th or 5th one. But let's go back to the original. Here's the qualifications: Article XIII. Declaration of Rights That the general, great, and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare, 1. That all political power is vested in, and derived from, the people. 2. That the people of this state have the inherent, sole, and exclusive right of regulating the internal go

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Nick Saorsa
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I don't think it takes the incorporation of governments to make the illegitimate... it is the nature of government itself that makes it illegitimate.