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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

Review: Gory Predators Refreshes Tired Franchise

• Hugh Hart via WIRED

’s raining F-bombs and turquoise-colored blood-goo in Predators, the sci-fi sequel that pits an insanely muscled Adrien Brody and his multiracial team of deadly malcontents against familiar dreadlocked aliens with giant fangs and nasty attitudes.

The movie’s not especially novel, but in this case that’s a good thing: Producer Robert Rodriguez’s faithful reboot of the shopworn franchise succeeds as a profane, gory popcorn movie that restores some luster to the Predator name, which has suffered under the weight of increasingly silly movies that tarnished the memory of the 1987 original.

The action-packed saga, which opens Friday, kicks off with chaotic footage of Brody (Splice, The Pianist) free-falling through the air. He lands in the middle of a trial-by-elimination premise: Humans who have been parachuted into a mysterious game preserve must band together, fend off booby traps and try to figure out, as Topher Grace’s doctor character says, “What the fuck is going on?”

The answer, once again, lurks in the jungle.

(Spoiler alert: Minor plot points follow.)

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Being a HUGE fan of this series, I scraped my pennies together and my son-in-law and I went and saw this flick last night.

We enjoyed it.  We were entertained.  We liked it, but after short discussion, we agreed that it juuuust didn't live up to our modern-day expectations.

Not enough suprises, not enough action, and even though we looked hard for 'plot twists', the few weak attempts never developed.

I want to say wait until the dvd comes out, but without the big screen to support it, you might have an entertaining evening at home - but it won't WOW you. 
