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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

A Statist Attack on John Stossel

• By Jacob Hornberger via
If you want to understand why America is in deep crisis on the domestic front, consider an op-ed entitled "Tell Fox to Lay Off Our Civil Rights" by a liberal named James Rucker. The op-ed perfectly encapsulates the statist mindset that has mired our nation in paternalism, welfarism, socialism, and interventionism, along with the out-of-control federal spending, debt, taxes, and inflation that now threaten the United States with national bankruptcy.

Here's what Rucker says. He wants people to sign his petition to have Fox News fire John Stossel. What's his reason for trying to cost Stossel his job? Stossel made the long-time libertarian point that a free society entails the right to discriminate against anyone for any reason one wants. That's what freedom of choice is all about -- the right to make not only the right choices but also the wrong ones, so long as the choice is a non-violent one.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by mondoreb
Entered on:

Somehow, my previous comment didn't come out the way I wanted.

 Progressive attack dog, Media Matters, sent out an email last week titled "Fox's John Stossel Must Go."

 It began "For the second time in less than a week...."

Comment by mondoreb
Entered on:

For the second time in less than a week, Fox News' John Stossel has used his platform at Fox to stick up for "the right to discriminate."For the second time in less than a week, John Stossel has used his platform at Fox to stick up for "the right to discriminate."

 The George Soros-funded Media Matters is the basis for much of the nonsense the Left thinks--and writes.

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

This "freedom to discriminate" issue is very topical, no doubt owing to Rand Paul's recent touching upon this taboo idea that we can make our own choices. Presently, statists only afford this degree of freedom to the wealthy elites and their stooges. In other words they know instinctively that "worthy" people deserve total freedom. Thus, the crux is in the feeling of "we're not worthy". I guess statists are a kind of self-hating human, that way. I say as libertarian types we ought to protect their individual freedom to be ruled over by wealthy, inbred weirdos who have lots of cash and few brains. After the r3volution we can set up reservations for the statist remnants. I mean these people REALLY need a state. So if we rounded them up for their own good they'd feel relieved and like it was the good old times when everything was what the man said it was. We could use fake, toy guns. It's not like they'll resist or notice. Heck, we can even take turns fleecing and abusing them if they ask real nice. Which they will.