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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

Naomi Wolf: Obama’s Satanic Rogue Empire

As we face such systematic assaults on our freedom, everyone who opposes the omnipotent state – libertarian, progressive, conservative, and liberal – must join together in massive resistance. It is our only hope, says Naomi Wolf.

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Comment by Patriot 2012
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Until we as a People, realize this very huge threat to our very lives, will we then behave in such a way with passion in our hearts to sacrifice our lives for the good of the American Republic! If by any chance the pole shift comes in 2012 or before, in the mean time the Feds will be doing all they can to be as just like all those oppressive Empires in the past have done to their people, case in point the Rome, the Nazi's or Stalin's Russia. Otherwise, time to think of leaving this God forgiven country that will be Satanic to the very core.  CONTROL PEOPLE IS THE GAME.
