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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

My interview with a constitutional candidate

• ME
When I moved up to Colorado I was not impressed with the political candidates from the Republican party. The same old War mongering, imperialists ideology along with a disdain for civil liberties. I was involved in the Republican party trying to change it from the inside, was elected as precinct committeeman and tried diligently to get the old republican gaurd to change, but I have now learned it is equivalent to asking a zebra to alter it's stripes. The straw that broke the camels back for me was my conversation with a Republican District Captain who told me without hesitation he would vote for Chairman Mao if he were running as a Republican. These party hacks have no principles and only care about if the candidate has R after their name. I can not support or participate in such lunacy. I will only come back in the Republican party to assist in getting RP elected. I am being true to my beliefs and joining the Libertarian party and will now work hard to support their candidates.

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