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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Now Ohio being pressured into AZ-style immigrant law

• Rawstory
An Ohio sheriff known for taking extreme steps to crack down on undocumented immigrants and a Republican state representative are urging the state to pass an immigration law similar to the controversial one in Arizona.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Oyate
Entered on:


 Hi everyone this is the fake Oyate nau alot of you have problems with me especially when you take into consideration that I AM THE ONLY ONE POSTING AS THE FAKE OYATES HANCOCKS AND POWELLS HERE.

Well this coward now has an e-mail address for you to send all your hate mail and death threats to.

I can be reached at :

Please if you feel like calling me a coward now go ahead i am i will not give out my name or phone number but maybe if you ask nicely i can give you the SPLC number again.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Hey Jean! It's Oyate. The real one. So I will pre-emptively troll you. This way one of us can troll you before the meanies do. And for fun, we'll make this a qeustionare.

Jean, in your own words:

1. Why are you so cool?

2. Why are you so wickedly awesome?

3. Would you describe yourself as being so cool or wickedly awesome and if so, why?

4. Can you tell us in your own words, if you were not so cool or wickedly awesome, what else would you be?

5. Could you and Mr. Man come over on your Ducatti motorcylcle this summer and help me eat all the tomatoes I got going? Man I'm gonna have tomatoes coming out of my ears.

I think you can tell this is the real Oyate talking to you sister. Don't worry about this little storm. This too shall pass. I'm just having fun with it while it lasts. If you are in any doubt, get my phone number from the network and we'll have a laugh about it.

The really funny thing here is nobody took me seriously when I said "guys we have an imitaion issue" until it started happening to Earnie. And Earnie just assumed it was one of my usual Oyate tricks. And it would have been. It would have been just my style but our imitators lack a cretain verbosity, a blabby-mouthness that charactarizes Oyate.

Honey, relax, we're just gonna have fun with it. And besides, these jokers are on my playing field now. I'm made for this stuff. I'm just like these jokers will be lucky if they don't get 4409 on their asses. I mean these people don't know how far we will press a joke. Jean, honey, nobody beats us on our home ground.


And nobody beats you. This is YOUR Home. You know this.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I just loooovvvve a parade.  

Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

Like this one!  Ha!  this comment is so not Ernie. 

Dear editors, if and when it is decided to troll me PLEASE delete the comments immediately.  Please, please please !