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IPFS News Link • Corruption

The Pursuit of Bernie Madoff Was a 'Death Sentence'

Markopolos said he was living under a "death sentence" for ten years. Believing Madoff's client list included drug cartels and organized crime, Markopolos went to extremes to protect himself and his family, even going so far as to devise a plan to kill Madoff. Markopolos, and his former colleague Frank Casey - who helped Markopolos in his pursuit to bring Madoff to the attention of regulators - discusses what it was like to live under that "death sentence." Frustration with SEC For nine years, Markopolos tried repeatedly to bring Madoff's expanding Ponzi scheme to the SEC's attention. Markopolos said he grew increasingly frustrated, angry at the SEC, eventually losing faith in the agency. He talks about the day he found out Madoff turned himself in, and how his relief that Madoff was behind bars quickly turned to fear the SEC would try to come after him. Convincing the SEC Markopolos spent nine years of his life trying to convince the SEC of something he figured out in a matter of minutes - that Madoff was a fraud. Markopolos said the unpaid and dogged investigation undertaken by him and a group of colleagues he dubbed "the foxhounds". Their sole purpose, to bring Bernie Madoff and his international Ponzi scheme down. Markopolos was joined by Casey, one of "the foxhounds" and the person who first brought Madoff to Markopolos's attention after meeting with Access International's Thierry de La Villehuchet in New York back in 2000.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Chip Saunders
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Comment by Anonymous
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 Lol.  Wow this is news?  What do you think happens when you approach a two to one margin (where you are still losing) against a City of Phoenix tax increase?  Slashed tires, death threats, etc.  Except this time the organized criminals are wearing a badge. 

You think I'm kidding.

Stand between a man, a union or a business and one billion dollars and see what happens.