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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

College Acquaintance: Young Obama Was ‘Pure Marxist Socialist’

"He definitely saw America as the enemy." Editor's note: The B-Cast conducted an hour-long interview with John C. Drew last Friday. That extended interview can be found in the related links section below.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:

It must be obvious to Obama he will not be reelected. At this point Obama can only hope to further his economic destruction of America, to cause millions of starving/unemployed Americans to accept, even welcome Marxist Socialism. Meanwhile Obama will need your assets: Socialists and Communists like Obama, historically after getting into governments thrive like cancer—targeting healthy economic markets and individuals with higher taxes and regulations to pay for public their programs, to make Citizens dependent on government. The current Socialist Democrats in Congress, like REDS in foreign governments, will see their U.S. welfare programs collapse after Obama runs out of other peoples’ money to pay for them. Exponentially Americans are revolting against imposed Obama socialism. But Obama unless thwarted by Congress, will soon attempt to pay for his public programs, including government health care, by greatly raising income taxes, increasing taxes on gains made on real estate, stocks, inheritance and business transactions; effectively confiscating Citizens’ money that otherwise could be invested in the economy.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 > College Acquaintance:  Young Obama Was 'Pure Marxist Socialist'

Hell!  He still is - only now he is old enough to know better.  That means he is either a malicious Marxist Socialist or just plain stupid - either way he shouldn't be President.
