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Dems Ask: Is Ron Paul Running The GOP Now?

• The Business Insider/Politico
ronpaul tbi
When it comes to declared votes for or against the confirmation of Ben Bernanke, the Republican caucus in the Senate is currently mostly opposed. This is really pissing off the Democrats, who feel like they are being made to take the fall for confirming Bailout Ben.

A senior administration official tells POLITICO's Mike Allen:

"It's amazing that Senate [Republicans] can barely muster a majority for a Republican who was named Time's 'Man of the Year' and who served in the Bush White House, was appointed to his current job by President George W. Bush and has the full support of the US Chamber of Commerce and Main Street American business. And their main complaint is that he saved the world from what Jim Cramer has called the 'financial stone age.' Is the minority leader Ron Paul? Someone's learned the wrong lesson from the MA race and it's not President Obama."

This is the kind of rhetoric we saw during the original bailout. Lawmakers who opposed the TARP bill were accused of playing political fiddles while the economy burned. The GOP leadership was criticized for allegedly failing to arrange things so that both parties would be equally to blame for the approval of the unpopular bailout.

Just hearing the return of the Irresponsibilty Narrative makes us think maybe voting against Bernanke's confirmation is the right thing to do.

From Politico: 
Bristling over Bernanke 'Is the minority leader Ron Paul?'
'Is the minority leader Ron Paul?'
Procedural vote to end debate on Ben Bernanke (above) is now scheduled for Thursday. AP Close
A senior administration official tells POLITICO's Mike Allen: "It's amazing that Senate [Republicans] can barely muster a majority for a Republican who was named Time's 'Man of the Year' and who served in the Bush White House, was appointed to his current job by President George W. Bush and has the full support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Main Street American business. And their main complaint is that he saved the world from what Jim Cramer has called the 'financial stone age.' Is the minority leader Ron Paul? Someone's learned the wrong lesson from the MA race and it's not President Obama."

Procedural vote to end debate on Ben Bernanke is now scheduled for Thursday, indicating Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) believes the votes are there. 

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

It also means without the GOP the Dems are having a hard time corraling the votes.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

This is a nice amusing story.  Made even more amusing in that the vote occurs in the Senat and Ron Paul is a CONgresscritter.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Great press!

Comment by Jet Lacey
Entered on:

Upon further review...I sure as hell hope not.  If he really was, I had always imagined things would get better, and this ain't better.  I think the better question to ask is "Do the Dems WISH Ron Paul was running the GOP now?"
