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IPFS News Link • New World Order

India’s Tata Motors Joins China’s BYD Auto, Targets US

• Buffalohair Gazette International
News of *China’s BYD Auto and their planned invasion of US markets were sticking enough as US auto manufacturers struggle to stay in business. Like pounding a nail in the coffin US workers and industries **Tata Motors with their “Worlds Cheapest Car, Nano” also joined the fray. But since we are now living in an era where money overrules humanity it is clear that patriotism and loyalty have also taken a back burner to the corporate bottom line. In a way it is appropriate that both China and India have expanded their assault on American industries and workers though. They also share some very dark secrets that US consumers should be aware of. It is already known China supports slave labor, ethnic cleansing and a host of crimes against humanity. The continued wholesale murder of Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, Buddhists, Uyghurs Tibetans etc, tell a gruesome tale about Bill Clinton’s “Favored Nation”. On a side bar; nearly a half billion dollars of stimulus money targeting r
