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IPFS News Link • Drug War

The Legalizing Pot Debate (Marc Victor on FOX - Video)

• FOX News

The debate on legalizing pot -- are police wasting our time and tax money by investigating certain cases? Or do you back them up for enforcing the law no matter the circumstances?

Keith Yaskin has more on one 56-year-old man's case in court -- you decide.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Brock
Entered on:

Maybe I've had too much coffee (stimulant) this morning, but everybody in that clip sounded baked.

Comment by Charles Gillespie
Entered on:

Poor kid, makes me think "There ain't no 'LIFE' anymore!" Are the 'thought police next?

Marc sounded 'on fire' in these clips! This is an Exciting Case!! I  hope they find some crap on the nice officer "secret-sneaky" pirate, (who has 'ballerina on tippy toe' like moves and is hiding under your window sill presently....go look?).  Meanwhile justice takes a vacation in Maui.

Some of these cops are complete robots and have had their 'humanitarian sensing units' badly damaged when they underwent massive brain washing at the academy (or by 'bad mentoring') and can only smell reefer, NOT FREEDOM / PRIVACY!!

We must challenge the 'THEY' who are 'Training the Trainers' on the use of tactics and motives being taught to these young, 'nazi-like' officers. They are in ever growing numbers and it's getting worse every day.