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What's Happening Newsletter 12/2/09 *ALERT!!! - Possible Air Alert*

What's Happening 12/2/09 *ALERT!!! - Possible Air Alert* I can’t confirm or deny the information in this copied email, but with today’s upside-down sanitarium of a world we’re in right now… if there’s ANY truth to this, people need to know & be very aware . Scrump The E-Mail So, was this a language misunderstanding or terrorist dry run? 10:13 AM Wed, Dec 02, 2009 | Permalink Terry Maxon/Reporter Bio | E-mail | News tips A reader called me, then sent me an email Wednesday morning about an incident that occurred Nov. 17 on an AirTran Airways flight. According to an Atlanta Journal Constitution story, the flight was delayed two and a half hours after a confrontation between some passengers and the flight crew. The AJC story quoted a passenger sitting toward the back of the airplane who recounted what she saw. That passenger thought it was just a problem w