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IPFS News Link • World News

Australian Town 'under siege' from invading camels - Video

• The Independent

Camels which have invaded a small Australian Outback town in search of water are set to be culled.

The Northern Territory government announced its plan for Docker River, a town of 350 residents, where thirsty camels have been arriving daily for weeks because of drought conditions in the region.
"The community of Docker River is under siege by 6,000 marauding, wild camels," local government minister Rob Knight said in Alice Springs, 310 miles (500 kilometres) north-east of Docker. 

.... But their fears grew as more animals arrived day by day.
He said many people were too frightened to leave their homes.
[Gosh, some of those rifles that were stripped from you by your benevolent government sure would come in handy right about now, don't you think? Cowering in your homes gives you plenty of time to think.]

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Gosh, some of those rifles that were stripped from you by your benevolent government sure would come in handy right about now, don't you think?  Cowering in your homes gives you plenty of time to think.
